Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Scarlet Letter Nature Is Uncontrollable - 1216 Words

Karissa Callier Mrs. Merrell Period 5 AP Literature November 8, 2014 Scarlet Letter Nature is uncontrollable. Nature is wild. Nature is free. Nature isn’t subjected by human laws, so it perceives us for who we are and not for what we have done in the past or continue to do. From the very beginning, we have seen man attempt to control the untamed side of humans. We are used to laws that we’ve had to be obedient to, rules that we wouldn’t dare to break. But the question is, who handed man the role to distinguish between what is right or wrong? Who gave man the authority to try to tame natural human impulses? Hawthorne portrays nature so significantly in the Scarlet Letter because the book is based off of the strict Puritan lifestyle, and it forgives us for disobeying their man-made laws, it allows the people who have become an outsider in society and provide a security blanket from the judgmental minds of man. Nature is merciful. Since nature doesn’t have to follow rules, it is wild. Nature isn’t bounded by anything. It does whatev er it desires. Whenever humans attempt to do what they desire, there is always someone judging them. If they aren’t obedient to man, there are consequences they have to pay. Society manipulates the public into thinking whatever they feel is wrong. The Scarlet Letter is about humans who follow their hearts desire, which so happened to be adultery, a sin. As a punishment to one of theShow MoreRelatedHawthorne s The Scarlet Letter872 Words   |  4 Pages Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, is a wonderful piece of writing that thoroughly analyzes the critiques and flaws of early Puritan society. Many enjoyable factors are present, including the heavy and enlightening use of symbols to develop Hawthorne’s revolutionary viewpoint as well as the strong portrayal of the characters that challenges ideas of the time. 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