Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Landscape And Geography In “A Passage To India”

The two books chosen for the following essay have been written at an interval of fifty years by two British authors: E.M Forster and R.P. Jhabvala. The first one is E .M Forster’s major work: â€Å"A Passage to India†. Its main focus is the study of two worlds divorced. The second â€Å"Heat and Dust† has made its author Ruth Prawer Jhabvala win the Booker –Prize. In her novel, we get a picture of India by two English women separated by fifty years. Both of the novels present an enigmatic India. This is of a primary importance for the following study as we will try to understand what kind of role the geography and landscape of India play in the novels. First, we will examine the symbolism of the landscape used by the writers of â€Å"A Passage to India† and â€Å"Heat and Dust†. This will then lead us to the second part which tries to show how the Indian setting influences the characters of the novels and especially the Westerners. From the beginning of each book, the reader guesses that the Indian atmosphere is going to play a major role in the novels. The title of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala is literal in that sense: â€Å"Heat and Dust† makes it clear that the hot weather conditions are the causes of the following action. Readers expect that the heat and the dust of India are going to upset a few lives. Forster is also aware that the reader must understand the importance of the Indian atmosphere from the very first few lines. That is why he chooses to devote all the first chapter of his novel at describing the town of Chandrapore. First, he starts by presenting the part of the town inhabited by the natives as a dreary landscape: â€Å"So abased, so monotonous is everything that meets the eye, that when the Ganges comes down it might be expected to wash the excrescence back into the soil. Houses do fall, people are drowned and left rotting, but the general outline of the town persists, welling here, shrinking there, like some low but in... Free Essays on Landscape And Geography In â€Å"A Passage To India† Free Essays on Landscape And Geography In â€Å"A Passage To India† The two books chosen for the following essay have been written at an interval of fifty years by two British authors: E.M Forster and R.P. Jhabvala. The first one is E .M Forster’s major work: â€Å"A Passage to India†. Its main focus is the study of two worlds divorced. The second â€Å"Heat and Dust† has made its author Ruth Prawer Jhabvala win the Booker –Prize. In her novel, we get a picture of India by two English women separated by fifty years. Both of the novels present an enigmatic India. This is of a primary importance for the following study as we will try to understand what kind of role the geography and landscape of India play in the novels. First, we will examine the symbolism of the landscape used by the writers of â€Å"A Passage to India† and â€Å"Heat and Dust†. This will then lead us to the second part which tries to show how the Indian setting influences the characters of the novels and especially the Westerners. From the beginning of each book, the reader guesses that the Indian atmosphere is going to play a major role in the novels. The title of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala is literal in that sense: â€Å"Heat and Dust† makes it clear that the hot weather conditions are the causes of the following action. Readers expect that the heat and the dust of India are going to upset a few lives. Forster is also aware that the reader must understand the importance of the Indian atmosphere from the very first few lines. That is why he chooses to devote all the first chapter of his novel at describing the town of Chandrapore. First, he starts by presenting the part of the town inhabited by the natives as a dreary landscape: â€Å"So abased, so monotonous is everything that meets the eye, that when the Ganges comes down it might be expected to wash the excrescence back into the soil. Houses do fall, people are drowned and left rotting, but the general outline of the town persists, welling here, shrinking there, like some low but in...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Leprechauns Dont Play Basketball Essays - Irish Folklore, Fairies

Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball Essays - Irish Folklore, Fairies Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball January 6, 2000 Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball Debbie Dadey & Marcia Thornton Jones Letter #4 Dear Mrs. Schafer: The book Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball, is very good. It is about four kids that are trying to find out if their teacher is really a vampier and if their P.E. sub is really a leprechaun. Howies grandma is from Ireland, so he thought she would know a little about leprechauns. They find out that leprechauns can only be away for three days. Also, that the leprechauns stole a brooch from the vampier and then the vampier got it back, so now the leprechauns are trying to get the green brooch. Their teacher Mrs. Jeepers is the vampier who stole the green brooch and is wearing it around her neck, and Mr. O'Grady the P.E. sub is trying to get it. Finally, at the end he doesn't get it and leaves and he says that the school is not big enough for a leprechaun and a vampier. My reaction to this book was, I really thought it was good. I loved this book because it was easy to read and understand. I would recommend this book to people who like short books. My favorite part was when Howie and them were talking to his grandma. The author did not use any writting styles. My favorite character was Eddie. I liked the way he played all of his practical jokes. I think I would of reacted to the conflict the same, because I would of helped my homeroom teacher before my P.E. teacher.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War Essay

Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War - Essay Example Going by Lincoln’s second inaugural address which took place on March 4th, 1865, one can cogently defend the standpoint that as the 16th President of the US, he was interested in reconstructing the Union. In the first place, it can be considered that although he wanted reconstruction, yet he preferred a pragmatic approach. This is seen in the manner in which Lincoln tried to eschew sentiments that would be indicative of punitive measures against the South, even after its defeat. In a way that betrays ingenuity, Lincoln sought to cast both sides as subject to imperfection, in a clever way of toning down the anger against the South. For instance, Lincoln states that â€Å"†¦ Both sides dreaded the war and sought to avert it (Johnson 64)† Lincoln also said that â€Å"Neither of the parties expected the war, its magnitude, its duration which had already been attained (Ibid 64).† Lincoln also goes further to state that both sides â€Å"†¦ Read the same Bible and invoked the same God (Ibid 65).† Nevertheless, all the above are more of vestiges of a pragmatic approach to constructivism than a show of appeasement of desperation for unification. The prospects of Lincoln’s constructivism are also underscored by the very speech that others would merely pass as unifying. The constructivist aspect of the speech is also underlined by the pieces that are found within the same speech. In a particular instance, he lambasts the prospects of slavery which was very popular and full fledged in the South. In an instance, he quoted Jesus Christ in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, XVIII: VII to state that although offenses were inevitable, yet the person who acts as the perpetrator or harbinger of the same, would be in trouble or deep danger (Johnson 65). In the same wavelength, Lincoln said that if God was willing that the war continues, so that all the wealth that slave owners had amassed be destroyed and all the blood that had been drawn by the taskmaster’s whip be aveng ed, the same would still prove the justice of God’s judgments (Johnson 65). To show for the seriousness of the matter, Loewen (37) explains that there are certain measures that Lincoln followed through to show that he was interested in the reconstruction of the American nation. The first and the most prominent was the role he played in the adopting of the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution on July 9th, 1868. As a matter of fact, Amendment XIV is one of the most popular Reconstruction Amendments. Among many things, Amendment XIV reconstructed the definition of citizenship to include blacks. This totally overruled the 1857 ruling of the Supreme Court, which in the case, Dred Scott v. Sandford had ostracized the black race from the American citizenship. This amendment had within it, the clause that mandated every state of the US to accord every of its citizen with equal protection and rights, without any discrimination (Arnesen 20). According to Loewen (38), even crusad ers against gender discrimination found much help in Amendment XIV since it set the stage for the 1954 Brown v. Board and the Reed v. Reed which totally proscribed all manner of discriminations. The prospects of the Fourteenth Amendment is being seen as a tool that was used for restructuring or reconstruction is also illustrated by its spelling of the conditions under which citizenship could be extended to an individual or revoked. This proved to be a double-edged sword since it excluded many prominent members of the Confederacy from the government. This is a shift away from unification attempts. In the same vein, Lincoln’s speech and behavior relevant to the speech cannot leave an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

CASE STUDY2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

CASE STUDY2 - Essay Example In addition, the European Commission desired to confine isolated spot advertisements to short time slots during sports programs only (Lainer, 2005). According to Lainer (2005, pg. 1), "We are truly disappointed. We think they have missed an opportunity really to modernise advertising rules in a fast-moving environment with new technologies and competition." As previously mentioned, RLT is Europe's largest television group, having 32 stations in all. These include France's M6 and the United Kingdom's Channel Five. According to Lainer (2005, pg. 1), "Traditional commercial broadcasters pressed for more flexibility in using commercials amid increased competition for advertising. They also say tougher rules on commercials during children's and news shows could endanger programmer-making in these fields. The growth of digital channels, web-based TV and viewers' commercial skipping devices have fragmented audiences and challenged the core advertising-driven business of traditional free-to-air broadcasters." The European Commission stands up for itself by claiming that they tried to support traditional commercial broadcasters as much as possible when they were writing their proposal. A couple of things it proposed that would support advertisers include allowing them to have commercials during the first 20 minutes of television shows-which they currently cannot do-and allow for product placement in television shows. The proposal of the addition of product placement sparked much criticism, where some individuals feared that television in the UK would become commercial-soaked like it is in the United States (Lainer, 2005). One of the major forces impacting the European advertising industry is the European Advertising Standards Alliance. According to EASA (2008, pg. 1), "The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) is a non-profit organisation based in Brussels. EASA brings together national advertising self-regulatory organisations (SROs) and organisations representing the advertising industry in Europe. EASA is, on behalf of the advertising industry, the single authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation issues and promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation, while being mindful of national differences of culture, legal and commercial practice." The advertising industry in Europe faces a number of key challenges today. Among these are socially responsible advertising. According to Perez-Latre (2003, pg. 1): In recent years, the European advertising industry has made a clear self-control effort since its goal is to provide a solid alternative to more governmental advertising regulation. But the last change in the European Commission's Directive, "Television without Frontiers" (COM/2002, 6.I. 2003), has provoked fresh thinking. Today's main controversial topics are alcohol advertising, time constraints for advertising on television, norms on interactive television, sponsoring, self-promotion, teleshopping, and other advertising/programming content. Extreme commercialization of television programs is having an impact: Clutter has increased to levels that are unbearable for viewers. Pretty much every European Union market is regulated with regard to its advertising industry. Children's advertising is particularly affected. For instance, in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Learning Activities Essay Example for Free

Learning Activities Essay Think about your own organization and the people related records that it stores Identify five records that would fit within any of the identified reasons for keeping records outlined above (you will find more information on these on p278 –p280 of the course textbook). Explain why your organization needs to maintain and use these records (provide examples of how they are actually used where you can). Training Records – At Enterprise we have a spreadsheet called â€Å"The Matrix†, this stores each employed persons training records. It is a basic excel spreadsheet with a column for names and a list of each of the available courses within Enterprise along the top. As soon as an employee has been on a course this will be inputted on to the spreadsheet along with the expiry date (if there is one) so we can ensure all personnel have valid records. Having this information available is very important, due to the nature of our work we need to show that we are keeping our employees safe by having valid training records. For example if there is an accident on site and an employee has hit an underground cable, we would need to be able to show that the person has valid training records for â€Å"safe digging† to our Health and Safety officer otherwise we as a company could be seeing as being negligent when we have a duty of care towards our employees, this could result in claims against the organization. Invoice Tracker – Every week invoices are sent in from our DSP’s to each of our contracts within the Trowbridge office. I am the project manager of shrouding and have 2 invoices sent in from each of the companies working for me. Leven’s MOYAD construction. Once these invoices are emailed to me I will copy and record the information on to my â€Å"surveying† spreadsheet. This spreadsheet contains all site numbers ever worked on by each of my sub contractors and to what percentage that they were done on which day. Having  this information is vital to my contract I need to be able to check that each site is not being invoiced on more than one occasion as well as to the percentage that is required. Also on this spreadsheet it shows how much money will be due to be paid to both the contractor and Enterprise. Showing weekly turn over information and that we are hitting profit margins are essential on monthly meetings. Also if there was ever a dispute of pay, being able to refer to this information is important. Employee personnel Files – Each employee of Enterprise has their own personnel file. This file contains full name, address, date of birth, bank details, sickness and holiday absence details as well as written warnings (if they have any) and their signed Enterprise contract stating what their job role is and salary. These files are used when appropriate, usually when employees details need updating or they have booked holiday. Online Time Sheets – Every week every employee within Enterprise must fill out an online time sheet in order to be paid. The guys on site bring in a written version of this for the person who deals with time sheets to update their online version. This is so that any absence is recorded whether it be for half an hour or for an hour, this provides accurate attendance percentages and highlights regular patterns of absence. Curriculum Vitae – For every Job advertisement that is put on the job websites a large number of CV’s from potential applicants. These are all then filtered down to persons with most experience and knowledge of the role that we are looking to fill. These persons will then be asked to interview, if they are not successful we will still store there CV on file for six months. This is a helpful system and saves re advertising for the same job if a vacancy arose for that position. Learning activity two Again think about your own organization. For the five records you have identified above, identify and describe how the records are stored. Explain the rationale for this. Training Records – These records are stored on Microsoft Excel, this system allows us to filter out what’s relevant and what isn’t depending on the persons records we are searching. As soon as a course is booked for an employee the date of the course is put on the system till the certificate is received, at which point the expiry date ( if there is one) will then be entered in it’s place. Invoice Tracker – The invoice surveying data sheet is in Microsoft Excel, this allows easy copy and pasting of data from spreadsheet to spreadsheet. Once an invoice has been received all data from the invoice will be extracted by copying and recorded on to the surveying form by pasting in to the relevant columns. Employee Personnel Files – These are all held in a locked filing cabinet in alphabetical order. Any new employee will have an personnel file created on their day of induction. All of their personal information will be stored in here and updated when necessary. Online Time Sheet – The online time sheet is kept on our internal server database, It is a case of simply going in to â€Å"online time sheet† on the server, clicking on last weeks week, and inputting the hours worked during that day. CV’s – All CV’s received from suitable job applicants will be stored in a file on the computer. They will be copied from the Enterprise email inbox and pasted in to the file, or scanned if received through the post. Learning activity three Take one of the examples of areas of organizational activity that require accurate information to facilitate decision making. For this example: Identify and describe how the data is gathered Provide at least three examples of the sort of information that is derived and why it is useful Describe how the information is used to inform the decision making process Describe how and to whom the information is presented Draw up a list of these. Curriculum Vitea when advertising a vacancy: Once Enterprise have advertised a vacancy on the system, this will be logged on to the job centre website and other job search sites. With an Enterprise email to send all Cv’s too, there is also an address for those who are unable to send via email. All CV’s are automatically filtered in to a separate email inbox, and posted CV’S are scanned in to the system as well and will wait for review by the relevant persons. Once a significant amount of CV’s have been sent in the filtering process will begin, for example if we were advertising a Data input/Administration role we would look for experience in those titles from previous roles. Or a qualification in business administration. Filtering through this information is important so as to find the right person for employment. Once the CV’s have been filtered through they will be passed on to the office manager for review. They will then pick names from the persons filtered and make an appointment for interview. The interview is carried out by our office manager and a member of staff who will be training the potential candidate. The candidate will be asked a series of questions relating to their working background and what their skills are as well as a question on Enterprise this usually tells us straight away whether they had made the effort to do some research. This goes down very well with the office manager. Once all interviews have been carried out they will be filtered down to three potential employees who will go to the final stage of the Interview process which is a trial half day. The people who were not successful will be sent a standard letter telling them that their CV will be kept on file for 6 months. Trial half day consists of a member of staff who has a good knowledge of the role being taken on, And the potential employee. They will be shown what to  do and given tasks to get on with. Once all three candidates have been in for this, the office manager, the trainee and and a member of office staff will sit down and make a decision based on how well they got on, how quickly they learned the tasks and general attitude within the workplace. This person would then be informed of their success and will be given a start date. The two other candidates will be sent a standard letter informing them that they were unsuccessful on this occasion and that their CV will be kept on file. The short listed CV’s will be kept in a separate folder to the other batch of CV’s. Learning activity four Consider what data gathering methods you might use for a particular information gathering requirement. Cover: The specifics of the requirement The method(s) used Reason for using that particular method Any considerations in using the particular method Interviews – Potential employees, this method is perfect for getting to know the candidate, asking any questions not answered in their CV. Consider writing down all questions you are thinking of asking to avoid forgetting to ask. Surveys Surveys are a good way to gather data from a large number of people when it’s impractical to meet them face to face, it is a good method of getting an opinion on a product, service or company. Surverys can be both formal where the results are due to statistical, reliability and validity. And informal where the results are anecdotal – Anecdotal The definition of anecdotal is something that is story-like or something that is based on stories and retellings, not based on provable facts. Observations – Direct observations are a good way of recording data, especially in a working environment, they are often done in conjunction with  another data gathering method that is used to fill in the gaps and answer questions. Observations must be arranged with plenty notice to the person you are observing and the permission from management. Consider getting someone who can tell you what to look for with regards to what you are observing, for example the use of a new mechanical device in a warehouse. Learning activity five Explore the information under the link above, then tackle the following: List the eight principles of the DPA with a brief explanation of each What does the DPA say about the rights of individuals to access to data kept on them? List at least five measures you might take to protect personnel information The eight principles of the DPA Data Protection act are the following: 1: Processing personal data fairly and lawfully, It means that you must have legitimate reason for collecting and using personal data, you must not use the data in way that have unjustified adverse effects on the individual concerned, be clear on how you intend to use the data, handle the personal data in ways they would expect and make sure you do not do anything unlawful with the data. 2: Processing personal data for specified purposes, meaning you must be clear from the offset as to why you require the information and what you are going to do with it, comply with the acts fair processing requirements – including the duty to give privacy notices to individuals when collecting their personal data. You must also comply with what the act says about notifying the information commissioner and ensure that if you wish to use or disclose the personal data for any purpose that is additional to or different from the originally specified purpose, the new use or disclosure is fair. 3: The Amount of personal data you hold; Personal data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. Meaning that you hold personal data about an individual that is sufficient for the purpose you are holding it for in relation to  that individual and you do not hold more information that you need for that purpose. 4: Keeping personal data accurate and up to date; personal data shall be accurate and when necessary up to date, to comply with this you should take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of any personal data you obtain, ensure that the source of any personal data is clear, carefully consider any challenges to the accuracy of the information, and consider whether it is necessary to update the information. 5: Retaining personal data; personal data processed or any purpose shall not be kept for loner than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. Meaning review the length of time you keep personal data, consider the purpose or purposes you hold the information for in deciding whether and how long for to retain it, securely delete information that is no longer needed for this purpose or these purposes; and update, archive or securely delete information that goes out of date. 6: The rights of individuals; Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this act; the rights of access to copy the information compromised in their personal data; a right to object to processing that is likely to cause or is cause damage or distress, a right to prevent processing for direct marketing, a right to object to decisions being taken by automated means, a right in certain circumstances to have accurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed, and a right to claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the act. 7: information security; appropriate technical and organizational measures shall be taken against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. It means you will need to design and organize your security to fit the nature of the personal data you hold and the harm that may result from a security breach; be clear about who in your organization is responsible for ensuring information security; make sure that you have the right physical and technical security, back up by robust policies and procedures and  reliable, well trained staff as well as being ready to respond to any breach of security swiftly and effectively. 8: Sending personal data outside the European Economic Area; personal data should not be transferred to a country or territory outside the #EEA unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level od protection for the rights and freedoms od data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. Individuals who wish to access personal data on themselves commonly known as subject access; Can do so by writing a request to the company with possibly paying a fee, this entitles them to be told whether their personal data is being processed, they can request that they are given a description of the personal data, the reasons it is being processed and whether it will be given to any other organizations or people. The individual can also be given a copy of the information compromising the data and be given details of the source of the data. An individual can also request the reasons as to why any automated decisions are made for example a computer generated decision on credit. Whether to allow or deny. The individual is entitled only to their own personal data and not to information relating to other people. If I was running my own company the five measures I would put in place to protect the personal data are the following: Install a fire wall, anti spy ware and virus checking on all computers, this is a very common security implication, this would protect my computers from viruses which have the potential to download information from my computers to theirs. Anti spyware provides a monitoring service which stops programs being installed that can read passwords, bank details and other sensitive data. Protect computer files with passwords: Protecting files with passwords is a good way of keeping data restricted; I would ensure that only a few members of staff have the password and that it is changed on a regular basis. Disposing of computers; All old computers should be destroyed correctly, by using a recognized computer disposal service or by destroying the hard disk. Any old computers despite deleting the data, can still be accessed. Email information securely: Consider whether the email should be password protected. Learning activity six Look at the information provided under the link above, then tackle the following: What are the two ways that public authorities are obliged to provide information? What is the public interest test? What is a vexatious request? Try to interpret your answers using your own words Public authorities are obliged to publish information about their activities, as well as members of the public are entitled to request information from them. Public authorities must publish information proactively; The freedom of Information act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme. A publication scheme is a commitment by the council to make information available routinely, without waiting for someone specifically to request it. The publication scheme must state a promise to make certain levels of information routinely available such as who you are and what you do, the services you offer, organizational structure, policies and procedures, Contracts and reports, minutes of meetings, annual requests and financial information. Once the publication has been created it must first be approved by The Information Commissions Office ICO. Information in the publication scheme represents the minimum that must be shown, if a member of the public wants information that is not on this, they can still ask for it. Members of the publican request information from public authority and they have two separate ways in which they can respond: 1: Tell the applicant whether you hold any information that matches the criteria of what they have requested. 2: to provide them with the requested information Usually the request should be responded to within 20 working days. When receiving a request it must be in the form of a letter of email to be valid under The Freedom Of Information Act, the request must include their name, address and a description of the information requested, the act covered information not specific documents. The public interest test is a guidance document provided by The Information Commissioners Office,he has produced this series of good practice guidance designed to aid understanding and application of the FOIA The aim is to show some of the key areas of the freedom of information act and to help guide on how to respond to information requests. The guidance provided by the ICO is only a starting point going from research I found: section 1 of FOIA sets out the right to any person making a request for information to a public authority these are: The right to be informed Whether the information is held or not by the authority and if so then The right to have that information communicated to them. In principle it states that both these rights need to be treated separately. When applying the public interest test, consideration should be given first to whether it is right to confirm or deny whether the information is held and secondly whether the information should be supplied. To decide whether a request is vexatious you would need to look at the following: Can the request be seen as obsessive Is the request harassing the authority or causing distress to staff Would complying with the request impose significant burden in terms of expense and distraction ( with regards to employees) Is the request designed to cause disruption or annoyance Does the request lack any serious purpose or value You should be able to decipher whether the request is vexatious by looking at  these headings. Learning activity seven There are many methods of keeping records or information, some of which are computerized. Identify three types of records or information that relate to an area of business and inform decision making in that area. For each of the three types: Describe how the information/record is stored How reason for storing the information/record in this way How the storage method meets the requirements of the DPA Keeping records of employees sickness and absence, we keep his electronically on the system in a password secured file. Each person has there own line on a spread sheet and each day they are off that date will be marked in red, with a comment attached to it stating why the person was off sick. Any sick notes will be scanned in to the system and stored within that persons file. We ensure that this file is secure at all time and only management have access to it. Reasons for this is that we want to ensure other employees cant see other peoples absence and reasons for being off sick as that is private and confidential. The DPA states the following: obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes adequate, relevant and not excessive to the purpose for which the data are required accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date kept secure against unlawful or unauthorised processing, or accidental loss or erasure This is compliant with the Data protection act as we have only managers who have access to the file. We must keep this information as up to date as possible as absence and sickness in the work place can highlight problem areas that need to be looked at and resolved. Keeping CV’s These are all stored in a file on the main system, these can be accessed by the nominated filter processors who are usally a member of the team which the vacancy is for, and the manager of that dept. This is so  they can access them when needed. CV’s are usually kept for a year and then disposed of. This is compliant with the DPA’s standards as we don’t keep information longer than we need to as well as having only a select few people who are able to access the information. Training certificate records – All certificates are kept in our personnel files, however our training dept at head office also holds a copy as when the training is carried out a copy of the cert is sent to them also. This information is recorded on our training matrix and updated accordingly. We store the certificates in this way so that we can see who requires training and when. Also if anything happens on site and our health and safety officer needs to see what training they have in place we can have it available as soon as possible for him. Our storage methods meet the requirements of the DPA by keeping the information secure, all our employees have access to their records when required. We do advise that when we receive a certificate that they come in for a copy to put in their own records at home. Learning activity eight Take one example from the context of your organisation where information has been sourced, collected, analysed and then interpreted to inform decision making. For this example: State why the information was needed (how was it intended to support decision making?) How was it sourced? What method of data gathering was used and why? Show an output from the analysis of the data (example: pie chart, bar chart) Sickness and Absence – The information is gathered from employees time sheets which are handed in weekly to the office manager the time sheet consists of a basic table on an A4 piece of paper that requires the employees to input their hours. This will then be handed in and inputted manually. This can then be printed off and used. Sickness and absence information is required once a month at the operations meetings, the operations manager will go through with the contracts manager as to why someone was off for a period of time whether it was due to sickness, was a doctors note provided or whether it is a reoccurring unauthorized absence. If it is an re occurring unauthorized absence; this will be highlighted with our HR Department at head office. Once this happens our HR representative Jo Betts will arrange an interview with the person to get to the bottom of why they are having this time off and whether an improvement program can be put in place. Usually they will be issued with a warning and put on an attendance watch if they cannot give a valid reason as to why they aren’t coming in to work. This bar chart is in my Evidence folder 02.07 document Learning activity nine Look at the example above – and considering the broad principles of a dashboard – describe how you might create a dashboard (or describe an existing dashboard What areas of information would/does it contain? From where would you source the data to populate the dashboard? Who would use the dashboard and why? I would create a dashboard based on training record information; it would show what percentage of employees had valid training records and what percentage have them but they are out of date.. I would also have an accident chart, we have a few accidents a month relating from hitting underground BT cables and water pipes, as well as employees having accidents from climbing electric poles. Due to the fact most of our accidents are fairly similar, I would be able to group them easily by title. We provide training courses for all of these incidents such as â€Å"pole top rescue† and â€Å"Safe digging practices†, so where an employee may not have a valid training record for this, and that employee was involved in the accident this would be a good way of highlighting why the accident happened in the first place and that he should not be carrying out that particular job without undergoing training. I would source the training data from the Training Matrix file system. This  information is kept up to date at all times and is readily available to me when I need it. The accident data is kept with our Health and Safety manager, I would request the information from him. The dashboard would be a great tool to take to Operations meetings where our health and safety manager goes over the level of accidents and training carried out for that month. He can then compare using a bar chart whether there are a higher percentage of valid training records for that month in comparison to others. Learning activity ten Read the information contained under the link above, then tackle the following: A Balanced Scorecard approach generally has four perspectives – what are they? What are the potential benefits of using a balanced scorecard? Why is feedback essential? A balanced score card is defined as â€Å" a strategic planning and management system used to align business activities to the vision statement of an organization† in more simple and realistic terms a balance score card attempts to translate the sometimes vague, hopes of a companies mission statement in to the practicalities od managing the business better at every level. To produce your own balance score card you must know and understand: The companies mission statement The companies strategic plan/vision The financial status or the company How the organization is currently structured and operating The level of expertise of their employees Customer satisfaction level. The four perspectives that the Balanced score card generally has are that of: Finance – in which covers the following areas: Return on investment Cash flow Return on capital employed Financial results Quarterly/Yearly Internal Business processes – which covers the following areas: Number of activities per year Function Duplicate activities across functions Process alignment (is the process in the right dept.)(When the organizations business processes, quality definitions and measures are aligned to the strategy) Process bottlenecks Process automation (A general technology term that is used to describe any process being automated through the use of computers and computer software. Processes that have been automated require less human intervention and less human time to deliver) Learning and Growth – which covers the following areas: Is there the correct level of expertise for the job Employee turnover Job Satisfacti0on Training/Learning opportunities Customer – Which covers the following areas: Delivery performance to customer Quality performance for customer Customer satisfaction rate Customer percentage of market Customer retention rate. The benefits of using a balanced score card are that it enables you to see a mixture of financial and non financial measures each compared to a target value within a single concise ( expressing alot of detail in a few words†¦) report. Once the Balanced score card is implemented within the organization you should see improved processes. Motivated educated employees Enhances information systems Monitored progress Greater customer satisfaction Increased financial usage. However for any software to work effectively it should be: Compliant with your current technology platform Always accessible to everyone – Everywhere Easy to understand/update/communicate The balanced score card is only of good use when available to everyone, not by keeping it hidden. Feedback is essential and should be contributed to by everyone within the business Carol do I need to go on to discuss the 360 degree feedback here?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Death Of A Salesman - Willys I :: essays research papers

“Willy Loman is destroyed by his own ideals'; Willy Loman is a travelling salesman who has worked for the Wagner firm for 34 years. He is now 61 years old and his job has been taken off salary and put on commission. He has a family and he boasts to them that he is “vital in New England,'; but in fact he isn’t vital anywhere. Willy has many strong beliefs that he strives to achieve. He wants to own his own business and he wants to be “bigger than Uncle Charley'; and especially he wants to be a great success and he tries to emulate Dave Singleman. He wishes to die the “Death of a Salesman'; and have many buyers and salesmen mourn for him. He also tries to be a good father, and husband. However Willy’s aims in life have been useless as he hasn’t really achieved anything. He got fired by Howard, his sons are both failures and they abandoned him in a restaurant toilet. His relationship with his wife is plagued by his guilt for committing adultery. He has to borrow $50 a week from Charley. He can’t even keep his mind on one thing for a long time. He can’t drive a car. Willy gets so fed up with all of these things that he want’s to commit suicide and eventually, he does. This topic suggests that Willy’s deterioration occurs because the principals he believes in. To a large extent this is true. After 34 years of Willy’s life, he loses his job. To a normal person under normal circumstances, being retrenched is a time when you feel useless. But for Willy, since everything else is going wrong at the same time, he feels like a useless old man. Willy thought that just because he named his boss, that he would have a secure future with the company but as Charley said “them things don’t mean anything? You named him Howard, but you can’t sell that.'; Even though Willy wasn’t even getting paid a salary, Howard didn’t want him to even represent the company in case Willy “cracked up'; again. Although Willy is mostly destroyed by his own ideals there are other things that destroy him as well, like Howard, Happy and Biff. Willy is emotionally destroyed when Howard fires him. Then, both of his sons disown and abandon him in Frank’s Chop House. Both Happy and Biff left their father talking to himself in the bathroom while they wanted to have a good night out with the girls.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Architectural Literature Review on Sustainability of Malaysian Architecture

In Summary of the below, review on sustainability of Malaysian Architecture is been understood and analysed. The literature review prescribes the re-examining on the methodologies and architectural experimentation that had been directed by the Malaysian architectural calling towards the quest for a national personality in structural engineering towards a sustainable group. The main part is examined on the endeavour and talk that had been led which included general society and private segments. Modellers, benefactors and people in general had directed experimentation on the different methodologies and perspectives relating to the issue of a Malaysian architectural personality through talk, works and architectural configuration. It was discriminatingly guaranteed that architectural practice in Malaysia still needs profundity in its hypothetical methodology and powerless in it development usage which prompt an emergency in the calling. The emergency on the Built Environments' instruction programmes in the course of the most recent two decades additionally has advanced the expert practice of construction modelling having arrived at substandard level with no fitting philosophical and hypothetical methodology. The flop on the mission for a character in building design throughout the previous four decades was traced to modellers and different implementers neglecting to scatter the plans and aims to the grass roots level. No records or apparent might be discovered to uphold the idea that the plans of looking for a national character in building design has been conveyed to grass root or open level. It is basic that present era of designers and implementers of the calling re-assessing the thought and making further mission auspicious. II) Introduction Sustainability is an issue of pressing desperation yet it is additionally a buzzword with small substance. Literates wish to demarcate the importance of Sustainability inside the setting of our main event as draftsmen. They are completely conscious that architecture is not fate it can make the conditions for additional reasonable environments however can't compel individuals to act in foreordained ways. It then takes after that we must plan to suit neighbourhood societies, atmosphere and traditions, making environments that will be passed on from era to era, enduring life-compass a crux part of sustainability. To accomplish this, the outline must consider people to mould and personalise their own particular environments. Sustainability is the general idea of utilizing less to accomplish more. Sustainability in architecture is not simply a matter of additional items or item particular. It includes more than encasing, sun oriented boards and rainwater tanks. Rather, it impacts how we ponder planning a building and whatever shapes it in the end takes. Seeking after a natural plan is not a demand yet rather a major stimulus towards an architecture that is creative, huge, and important. Economical outline recognizes the dynamic collaboration of buildings with their instantaneous regular setting and encompassing powers. It is these connections on which the configuration process centres to the extent that on the resultant type of the building. Sustainability requires a specific path of working -clear objectives set at the undertaking commencement and close cooperation between customer, draftsman and designs all through the procedure. There is no such thing as green architecture or a green stylish. Rather there are endless ways configuration can address and incorporate issues of sustainability. Since the development of the Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia, and its capital Kuala Lumpur specifically, has turned into a reference in architecture worldwide. In this manner, it is not amazing to see it prepare other foremost edifices. Just this time, the primary centre is not stature, at the same time, actually, that they are great illustrations of bioclimatic and sustainable architecture. III) Review Sustainability implies that a methodology or state might be kept up at a certain level for with the expectation that is needed. A standout amongst the frequently refered to meanings of sustainability is the one made by the Brundtland Commission, advanced by the previous Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Commission outlined economic improvement as improvement that helps the present without bargaining the capacity of future eras to meet their own particular needs. Sustainability identifies with the coherence of financial, social, institutional and environmental parts of human social order, and additionally the non-human environment. Sustainability is one of the four Core Concepts old-fashioned Universal Forum of Cultures. Sustainability likewise implies that your something is dependably the same and does not change. Architecture in Malaysia is a mixture of numerous styles, from Islamic and Chinese styles to those carried by European colonists. Malay architecture has adapted because of these impacts. Houses in the north are comparative to those in Thailand, while those in the south are comparable to those in Java. New materials, for example glass and nails, were acquired by Europeans, modifying the architecture. Houses are manufactured for tropical conditions, raised on stilts with high roofs and expansive windows, permitting air to move through the house and cool it down. Wood has been the primary building material for much of Malaysia's history; it is utilized for everything from the basic kampung to imperial palaces. In Negeri Sembilan customary houses are truly free of nails. Besides wood, other regular materials, for example bamboo and leaves were used. The Istana Kenangan in Kuala Kangar was inherent 1926, and it the main Malay castle with bamboo dividers. The Oral Asal of East Malaysia lives in longhouses and water villages. Longhouses are raised and on stilts, and can house 20 to 100 families. Water villages are likewise based stilts, with houses joined with boards and generally transport by boats. Chinese architecture could be partitioned into two sorts, accepted and Baba Nyonya. Baba Nyonya families are made of colourful tiles and have huge indoor patios. Indian architecture accompanied the Malaysian Indians, reflecting the architecture of southern India where generally began from. Some Sikh architecture was likewise imported. Malacca, which was a conventional middle of exchange, has an expansive assortment of building styles. Imposing wooden structures, for example the Palace of Sultan Mansur Shah exist from right on time periods. Chinese impact could be seen in shiningly enlivened sanctuaries and terraced shop houses. The biggest remaining Portuguese structure in Malacca is the A Famosa post. Other frontier building could be the Dutch Stadthuys, the Dutch Colonial town block buildings, and buildings constructed by the British, for example the Memorial Hall, which joins together Baroque and Islamic architecture. The shapes and sizes of houses vary from state to state. Regular components in Peninsular Malaysia incorporate pitched roofs, verandas, and high top sides, raised on stilts for ventilation. The woodwork in the house is regularly complicatedly cut. The carpets are at distinctive levels relying upon the capacity of the room. Mosques have generally been dependent upon Javanese architecture. In cutting edge times, the government has pushed distinctive projects, from the tallest twin buildings on the planet, the Petronas Twin Towers, to an entire enclosure city, Putrajaya. Malaysian firms are improving tower plans that are in particular for tropical climates. Malaysian Architecture is one of the most respected Architecture and design in the world based on the fact that no matter how small Malaysia is it still has nice design concept and a relatively good sustainability in its Architecture, Malaysia is well known for its Petronas Twin tower and other amazing structure in the building industry. Sustainability in Malaysian Architecture has still not been attained as Education on that should be promoted in schools and educational institutes Architects all over the world and in Malaysia should make use of sustainable materials in building construction designs in that way a sustainable Architecture â€Å"Careful selection of environmentally sustainable building materials is the easiest way for architects to begin incorporating sustainable design principles in buildings. Traditionally, price has been the foremost consideration when comparing similar materials or materials designated for the same function. However, the â€Å"off-the-shelf† price of a building component represents only the manufacturing and transportation costs, not social or environmental costs. † As sited by (Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Professor of Architecture, and Brenda Rigdon, Project Intern; Edited by Jonathan Graves, Project International; College of Architecture and Urban Planning the University of Michigan, in Qualities, Use, and Examples of Sustainable Building Materials 2012). Some materials used in construction processes are listed below. Limestone * Limestone is maybe the most pervasive building material acquired through mining. It is utilized as a cladding material and assumes a paramount part in the preparation of an extensive variety of building items. Concrete and plaster are evident illustrations of items that depend on limestone; less evident is the utilization of limestone in steel and glass creation. Steel * Steel requires the mining of iron ore, coal, limestone, magnesium, and other fellow components. To process steel, iron must first be refined from crude ore. The iron ore, together with limestone and coke (heat-refined coal) are stacked into an impact heater. Sultry air and blazes are utilized to dissolve the materials into pig iron, with the contaminations (slag) drifting to the highest point of the molten metal. Aluminium * Aluminium, determined from bauxite ore, requires a huge measure of raw material to generate a minor measure of last item. Up to six pounds of ore may be instructed to yield one pound of aluminium. Bauxite is for the most part strip-mined in tropical rainforests, a process that presupposes uprooting vegetation and topsoil from substantial ranges of land. The point when mining is finished, the dirt is swapped. The land may then be permitted to come back to rainforest, however is more prone to be utilized as farmland Bricks and Tiles * Dirt and adobe soil must likewise be mined. They are for the most part discovered in shallow surface stores, and assembling is frequently done close-by, lessening extraction and transportation costs. With the exemption of adobe, blocks and tiles must be let go to be handy building materials. The booting methodology uncovered the shaped mud to high, delayed high temperature, preparing a hard, water-verification, lasting block or tile. The terminating procedure can take hours or even days and requires an imposing measure of vigour. Coated blocks and tiles are terminated twice: first to make the shape changeless then afterward to soften and follow the coated completion, which typically holds glass. The finished item has tremendously typified vigour however is likewise exceptionally dependable. Indeed, without booting, fittingly kept up adobe blocks can most recent 350 years or more. Wood * Wood is the collected material generally ordinarily utilized within edifices and building items. Dimensional wood is utilized as a part of surrounding the lion's share of private edifices and numerous business structures. Wood items, for example plywood, particleboard, and paper are utilized widely all through the development business. Until later years, the ost well-known technique for collecting wood was clear-decreasing, a procedure wherein all vegetation inside a given zone is evacuated for handling. Notwithstanding, where clear-cutting happens, lumber associations are obliged to replant the region. Petro-Chemicals * The building business is remarkably subject to materials inferred from petroleum and natural gas. These are utilized within an extensive variety of items incorporating plasti cs, glues for plywood and particleboard, covered ledges, isolation, covering, and paints. Boring for oil and gas is both perilous and exorbitant. Overwhelming apparatus is needed, and tainting of the groundwater and soil is regular. Broad worry about energy conservation, global warming and exhaustion of the planet's non-renewable assets has conceived the green building development, with its thought of sustainable architecture that appears to be mushrooming over the planet. Essentially put, green buildings speak for outline and construction that are touchy to nature now and sometime later. Green building is not a normal practice in Malaysia due to the exceptional tests these systems face. This exploration was led to recognize the principle impediments to the headways of green buildings improvements in the nation and how to incorporate more contribution from the gatherings in the construction business to embrace this methodology. The ideas and perspectives of identified gatherings in building industry were acquired from organized questions and case studies which have been recognized to give a clearer picture of the present scenario of the green building advancements in Malaysia. Recommendations on the most proficient method to increase more presentation for green buildings were likewise procured. In light of the discoveries, it was inferred that the principle obstructions are absence of cognizance, instruction and qualified data on the profits of the construction of green buildings. It is critical for us Malaysians to get an ideal model change and begin taking a gander at greener choices which are all the more ecologically neighbourly and diminishes energy utilization. Making consciousness additionally is the first and grandest venture to guarantee that green buildings are setting down deep roots. Sustainable Architectural design does not necessarily mean the use of highly termed technologies and modernised applications in the building construction sector but rather holding and not letting go of past designs and finding such many ways to sustain Architectural design to be moderate and useful to the people as quoted by (Professor Iain Borden, in Sustainability and architectural design, 2010) â€Å"Architecture is not just about technology, and we need social propositions as to how architecture interacts with lifestyle and urban design. Here the imaginative and creative architecture can help to speculate about possible futures outside of some of the more usual constraints of commercial architectural practice† The traditional Malay house is one of the wealthiest segments of Malaysia's social legacy. Planned and assembled by the villagers themselves, it manifests the innovative and stylish aptitudes of the Malays. This is a close flawless house form which is suitable to neighborhood climatic conditions and communicates the lifestyle of its occupants. The house is to a great degree overall intended to suit the warm and sticky Malaysian atmosphere and for the multifunctional utilization of space. Its outline is likewise adaptable as it indulges the extensively distinctive needs of the clients and it has an expansion framework which permits the house to be broadened to help every family. The traditional Malay house is a timber house raised on stilts. It is basically a post-and-lintel structure with wooden or bamboo dividers and a thatched top. Windows are ample, coating the dividers and giving exceptional ventilation and sees for the house. This nature of openness is additionally reflected by the impressive open inner part spaces with negligible segments. Lim Lee Yuan mentioned in his article (Under one Roof) that â€Å"For religious reasons, most traditional Malay houses are oriented to face Mecca (i. e. in an east-west direction). This orientation minimizes the number of are as exposed to direct solar radiation during the day and, hence, the heat gains in the building. Heat retention is minimized by the lightweight, natural construction materials that have a low thermal capacity and the interior remains cool due to the insulating capability of the Atta (thatch) roof† sited by ( Lim Lee Yuan, Under one roof, 2013) So Malaysian traditional houses happens to use Religious concepts in making stays in houses more easier then. Situation that may come about because of this situation will be that Islam is tossed totally in avour of, or that it is made decidedly mediocre to, the embraced man-created perspectives and philosophies. On for the issues that structure the foundations of the applied skeleton for Islamic architecture, all around, are: taw shrouded (the thought of God's Oneness), man as the vicegerent (khalifah) on earth and his association with environment, exhaustive brilliance (ihsan or titan), and Islam as the last and all inclusive disclosure to humankind. This reasonable structure renders Islamic architecture such a remarkable subject and tremendously not quite the same as other building outflows and schools. Concentrating on the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, which because of its securing on a portion of the most essential Islamic precepts constitutes a preeminent section of the Islamic perspective, is basic. This is so for two head explanations. Firstly, by knowing and engrossing the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, Muslim architects, and professionals in manufactured environment all in all, will own a robust base on which restoring and progressing the wonder of Islamic architecture will be effectively and surely created. Provided that the precepts on which the theoretical schema for Islamic architecture rests, penetrate an engineer's or a designer's thinking and acting standards, the aggregate conduct that starts from such a mentality is sure to be in concurrence with Islamic qualities and conviction framework. An architecture that stems from such a mentality is sure to be really Islamic as well. What's more when it starts to be, it does so spontaneously, unassumingly and truly, fitting splendidly into the grid of Muslim life exercises. It does so without any ado throughout the methodology of its imagining execution, without any ambiguities or perplexity in its substance and capacity, and without any superficialities, eccentricities and garishness in its style and manifestation. Besides, if Muslim architects, builders, engineers and even clients are new to and don't stick to the theoretical skeleton for Islamic architecture, an additional options will be looked for rather. Such plan B, definitely, will be outsider to and in this way inconsistent with the Islamic ethos and teachings. A few options will be more contradictory and others less, however sometimes will there be an elective that will be completely agreeable with Islam and its perspective. This is so since no human movement, not to ention a living framework, that is totally without a logic or a philosophy which unmistakably outlines one's perspective of the planet and all its constituents: life and its reason, passing, characteristic environment, man and his mission, time, space, history, and obviously God and His association with man and the entire of universe. So in this manner, if Muslim architects don't have the Islamic perspective or belief system, a different one will unavoidably worm in, inten tionally or unknowingly, and will hold influence over their musings and deeds. At the close, and in one of better situations, this will bring about foundered endeavours towards accommodating the received perspectives and belief systems with Islam and its own particular logic and esteem framework to which those architects will at present be subscribing. In any case, an activity of orchestrating Islam and some outside and by and large man-made perspectives and rationalities of life is a destined errand on the grounds that such a combination is unthinkable in both hypothesis and hone. That, therefore, may prompt the extent that disarray, absence of certainty, perilous bargains, laxity in religion, repugnance and even contemptuousness in Muslim architects' brain which, in turn, will be expanded onto the domain of fabricated environment and will in this way dangerously influence both the psyche and behavioural examples of its clients. The most exceedingly awful and generally terrible sctunately, large portions of today's Muslim experts in assembled environment experience both the illnesses. Another aspect of Malaysian Architecture we must look at is Micro Architecture which involves building structures like Side way toilets, pedestrian malls, Alleys etcetera. These micro architecture application in towns and cities or in a country in general are usually seen as irrelevant but in another way serves as good purpose to the people, Azmin Samsul S Tazilan also said in his article that â€Å"Micro-architecture, however, actually gives the first real impression of a town, city or country to visitors to a particular place or locale. Its impact is immediate and opinions are formed of the place and its people quite instantaneously. A lot of street micro-architecture is public amenities such as toilets and squares. Based on current phenomenology research studied, it gives a better justification on sustainable elements approach on street microarchitecture in Malaysia† sited by ( Azmin Samsul S Tazlian, Sustainability in Malaysian micro architecture, 2013) sustainability in street micro architecture should be looked at so as improve the comfort of locals and visitors alike. The current status of Malaysian Architecture has grown to a level that people out there including the Government have been wondering whether there is sustainability in construction projects of Malaysian Architecture, awareness has been laid out for need in develop and implicate strategies towards its application in built environment â€Å". In Malaysia, the issues of environmental dissatisfaction on construction projects have regularly appeared in headlines. This growing attention pushes the government and professional bodies in Malaysia to be more proactive in alleviating this problem without restraining the need for development. But, has this efforts bear fruits? Creating sustainable construction depends on the knowledge and involvement of all people involved in the industry. So, what is our level of understanding of this concept and application? This paper aims to explore the actions undertaken by the Malaysian government, non-government organisations and construction players in promoting sustainability in construction and the progress so far† as stated by (Nazirah Zainul Abidin, SUSTAINABLE CONCEPT AWARENESS IN MALAYSIA, 2011) In the article- Sustainable Towers in Malaysia by Studio Nicolette Association â€Å"Malaysia is no stranger to notorious buildings. Two of the tallest buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, are found in Kuala Lumpur, the country's capital. So it comes as no surprise to us that a stunning new residential improvement is planned for the Putrajaya waterfront regarded as Precinct 4, just 30km south of Kuala Lumpur. The design, be that as it may, is a refreshing and unique with extraordinary, marine-inspired structures – which also draw from conventional Islamic designs – orchestrated in a porous, transmitting square of bioclimatic architecture. Putrajaya waterfront advancement, Malaysia, studio Nicolette architects, sustainable towers, green Islamic towers, green Islamic architecture, marine architecture, green building, green architecture, green design, eco architecture, ecotecture, sustainable improvement, pontoon like structures, marine inspired architecture â€Å" as sited by (Studio Nicolette Association, Sustainable Towers in Malaysia, 2010) . There is need for continuation of Malaysian race towards the sustainability of building skyscrapers and tower as Malaysia once held the privilege of building the world’s tallest twin towers. This is a great achievement and success as sustainability should continue to make a brighter and better Malaysia for their children in the future. In conclusion Sustainable Architecture in whole should be maintained in Malaysia and the rest of the world as its advantages are important so rather ignoring it should be made a constant practice in building environment aspects of countries all over the world.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bubonic plague Essay

Bubonic plague has emerged and spread rapidly across towns, cities, and rural areas in several worldwide epidemics through the whole of history. Probably the earliest mention of bubonic plague is the Old Testament record in the First Book of Samuel giving an account of swellings and rodents that made attack on the Philistines (Ackroyd 55-57). The bubonic plague later hit the falling apart Roman Empire in the period of the sixth and seventh centuries. And from 1348 to 1350, the plague known as the Black Death brought the suffering and death across Europe and China, killing perhaps one-quarter or one-third of the population. This terrible epidemic outbreak of the deadly and highly infectious plague in China and Europe, that became possibly the worst catastrophe in all written history, still remains one of the most important and controversial tragic events through the history. Many professional historians of medicine analyzed the origin and spread of the Black Death, trying to explain or understand the origin and flow of epidemic disease during that period. This paper will discuss some of the perspectives and historical accounts by giving a glimpse of the evidence that various historians have considered. The Cause of the Black Death Most historians acknowledge that Europe and China experienced population pressure and famine in the 1300’s. Supporters of the demographic model usually link famine with plague, sometimes directly, sometimes vaguely. Famine and population pressure, state North and Thomas (1970), â€Å"set the stage for disease† and often were associated with the origin of the plague (1-17). Supporting such point of view, Le Roy Ladurie (1972) described the Black Death as a â€Å"holocaust of the undernourished† (3-34). Historians indicate that the Black Death had been preceded by the periods of famine, in particular the great famine of 1315-17 that was experienced by European population in the north, and it is also recorded that considerable population increase in general had already been reported before the Black Death. Consequently, analysis of supporters of the demographic model would suggest that the massive expansion of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries generated a situation where population growth went faster than food resources, with the outcome that lack of means by which population could maintain life became more serious and facilitated the origin of the epidemic. Other historians disagree. Thus, for example, Jean Meuvret (1993) argued that there was no simple or direct cause-effect relationship between famine/population pressure and Black Death. Jean Meuvret’s position was confirmed by Jean-Noel Biraben in a great study of the plague (Grmek and Fantini 319). Biraben demonstrated that although bubonic plague often originated after famine, there were many examples when famine came after plague and other cases in which plague was not accompanied by famine and vice versa. The historian came to conclusion that in the case of the Black Death there was no cause other than the plague itself that could have brought about epidemic. There may be found some relationship between famine and disease, he indicates, but it was not because famine became the cause of the plague; rather, it was because plague, after striking, aggravated famine as a result of the considerable stagnation of agriculture and economic disorder. Moreover, in all the recent medical literature that examines plague taking into account historical cycles, there is found no direct connection between lack of food and plague origin. These considerations generate doubt about the position of the demographic model. The Spread of the Black Death This section will begin by asking where Black Death came from, and why it emerged when it did. There is general agreement among contemporary observers and today’s historians that the Black Death of the fourteenth century originated in central Asia. Although it is hard to tell for sure, but there is also a growing opinion among historians that the Black Death came and expanded across Central Asia from China in the period of the 1340s and in 1347 it infected medieval Genoese traders who had established roots between Europe and Central Asia, it almost instantly emerged in Constantinople and was then right away communicated by the trade routes to the widespread areas of Mediterranean and western Europe. Historians have found out that already by the end of 1348 most population of southern and western Europe had been infected with this rapidly developing disease. It soon appeared in England and two years later it already hit the rest of the British land, Germany and Scandinavia. It is estimated that between a third and a half of all Europeans were killed by the Black Death of 1348-53 (Loudon 66). The dreadful disease spread every day from the sick to the noninfected. It was even not necessary to be near the infected: even being in contact with their clothes or anything they had touched was enough to become infected. Most of the poor population was not allowed to leave the houses and became sick every day by thousands. And for insufficiency of appropriate medical service and other things, almost all unavoidably were destined to terrible death. The epidemic killed whole communities. John Saltmarsh presents account of the genocide, economic stagnation and depression brought by plague. He refers to a French historian who described in detail deserted villages and farms. Saltmarsh cites a Franciscan Friar, John Clyn: Lest things worthy of remembrance should perish with time, and fall away from the memory of those who come after us, I, seeing these many evils, and the whole world lying, as it were, in the wicked one – myself awaiting death among the dead – inter mortuos mortem expectans – as I have truly heard and examined, so I have reduced these things to writing; and lest the writing should perish with the writer, and the work fail together with the workman, I leave parchment for continuing the work, if haply any man survive, and any of the race of Adam escape this pestilence and continue the work which I have begun (Creighton 115). This situation was not confined only to Europe. Beginning from the 1320s, the Black Death had carved its way along the roads of Central Asia. In particular China was hard affected. Some sources indicate that by the 1390s the population of China may have dropped to approximately 90 million from 125 million (Gottfried 35). Interpretations of the Black Death Medical professionals are now of the same opinion that the Black Death was the bubonic plague, arriving from central Asia, and carried by fleas and rats, which were widespread in medieval Europe. Medieval doctors, however, naturally possessed no knowledge to determine by diagnosis anything so dependent upon microscopic examination of phenomena. As a result, the plague was often attributed to God’s rage against the special depravity and corruption of that period. Thus, for example, in Piers Ploughman, Reason â€Å"proved that these pestilences were for pure sin, and the south-west wind on Saturday at even was for pure pride, and no point else† (Sumption 15). Contemporary astrological specialists noticed the deadly union of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. In addition, Jews were oppressed and destroyed as there was information that they had poisoned wells. Medical representatives had two opinions: the first group claimed that the cause was miasma, pollution of the air, and the second group considered that direct contact was the cause and recommended complete isolation. The quarantines were absolutely useless, taking into consideration the fact that the disease was transmitted by rats and fleas, but these nuances were not known until additional studies were done after the next great plague emerged in the 1890s. Conclusion Human devastation was tremendous in the period of the Black Death, and the demographic, economic, political, social, and psychological impact of the plague was greatly felt for many decades. This paper explored various points of view of historians studying epidemics of the past and their explanations of how and why the great epidemic emerged, spread rapidly and caused so high mortality. It also looked at various interpretations of this disease by contemporary observers.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hersheys Sweet Mission

Hersheys Sweet Mission Introduction The purpose of this paper will be that of determining the stages Hershey has to implement in revamping its performance administration framework to appeal to its more and more varied workers. The paper will also establish how a worker will interpret Hershey’s culture and value based on his or her function.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Hersheys Sweet Mission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper will utilize established trends in Human Resources Management and explain which one may influence Hershey the most. Finally, the paper will explain the impacts that mentoring could have on adopting virtues into the Hershey way of doing business. Redesigning Hershey’s performance administration method Hershey’s firm focuses chiefly on confectionary goods. Hershey’s goods comprise chiefly of candies and the chocolates. The company has remained in the marketplace since 1900â⠂¬â„¢s. It markets its goods globally. My suggestion to the revamp of the company’s performance administration would be in keeping its existing performance administration model. The company has a redesign model that provides for diverse age groups and more precise to two. Such age groups may comprise the younger and the baby boomer age group (Noe et al., 2011, p. 55). Based on these models, they encompass an event where the baby boomers coach or mentor the fresh hires to the organization. The principal purpose of training or mentoring is to establish an everlasting heritage with advancement of the entire universe. This specific model has been understood to be specifically passionate to mentor the younger workmates with a view of coping with Hershey’s guidelines (Noe et al., 2011). The company gains from the baby boomer as the reference model, trainer and in addition to its promoter in the corporate and business world. As far as younger recruits are concerned, the organ ization has developed their management systems with a view of attracting the younger recruits. This is presumed to provide the newly recruited employees with loads of enthusiasm for challenge, self-independent, and attain results in the business world.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Hershey’s revamp assumes the bottom-up concept. Individuals throughout the organization were permitted to identify a goal and monitor the likely growth on programs. The implementation of the management method is assumed to be successful to measure business outcomes. This system is in addition applied in checking whether the outcomes are attained in accordance to the company’s major values (Noe et al., 2011, p. 56). Interpreting values Hershey strives to offer an active and challenging work station that gives an individual the chance of developing his or her knowl edge and talents. The company’s sustained performance depends on engaged employees that are capable of meeting the challenges of a quickly expanding international market. Hershey’s special legacy, established key values and heritage to live up to the possible acceptable levels enable the company to engage and retain greatly talented individuals (Bowen Ostroff, 2004). If I were an employee of the company I would interpret the values that Hershey adopts based on my responsibility as an organization that believes in: Treating each employee with equality, integrity, and esteem. Encouraging openness by adopting diversity, implementing new technologies and advocating for sustainable growth. Growing together through sharing skills and realizing human capability in a setting of shared esteem (Noe et al., 2011, p. 55). Trends identified A possible threat for Hershey is the business world and expanding states of cocoa. Cocoa is the major component in chocolate, and a decline in cocoa dealers, or low quality cocoa would greatly wreck the sector. Hershey is responsive to this extrinsic aspect, and utilizes intrinsic forces in keeping this threat from turning out to be a reality. The organization is a member of the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF), and has implemented strategies with a view of preserving the environment and of starting projects that will preserve the ecosystem in which cocoa is grown (Bowen Ostroff, 2004). With more than 13,000 workers and turnover of about $4.5 billion, the organization has established their intrinsic and extrinsic aspects and utilizes the trend of flexibility in remaining an expending company. This is simply one of the various steps Hershey’s has taken with a view of protecting the organization in addition to the cocoa sector (Noe et al., 2011). Mentoring and integrating values Mentoring is an approach utilized in instilling enthusiasm, satisfaction and a sense of possession in workers throughout the organization (Bo wen Ostroff, 2004). The next section presents a few of the effects that mentoring could have on Hershey way of doing things:Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Hersheys Sweet Mission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More New-recruit mentoring on areas like vision, culture and values ought to be taught by the worker’s colleagues. The managers of Hershey Company are the true advocates of Hershey’s culture. Culture ought to promote skill sharing. The company has a formal mentoring program and therefore, time spent mentoring is no longer lost time, but a chance of engaging in skill sharing and integrating key values. Structured mentoring program could aid in integrating newly recruited employees into Hershey’s culture. References Bowen, D. Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM-firm performance linkages: The role of the strength of the HRM system. Academy of Management Review, 29(2), 203-221. Noe, R ., Hollenbeck, R., Gerhart, B., Wright, P. (2011). Fundamentals of human resource management (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Explaining a Misdemeanor and Why It Can Be a Big Deal

Explaining a Misdemeanor and Why It Can Be a Big Deal A misdemeanor is a lesser crime in the United States with less severe penalties than felonies, but more severe punishments than infractions. Generally, misdemeanors are crimes for which the maximum sentence is 12 months or less. Many states have laws that establish different levels or classifications for misdemeanors, such as Class 1, Class 2, etc. The most severe classes are those that are punishable by jail time, while the other classifications are misdemeanors for which the maximum sentence does not include incarceration. Misdemeanor sentences of incarceration are usually served in the local city or county jail, while felony sentences are served in prison. Most misdemeanor sentences, however, usually involve paying a fine and doing community service or serving probation. Except in a very few states, people convicted of misdemeanors do not lose any civil rights, as convicted felons do, but can be prohibited from getting certain jobs. Classifications Differ by State It is up to each state to determine specifically which behaviors are criminal and then classify the behavior based on a set of parameters and the severity of the crime. Examples of how states differ when determining crimes and penalties are outlined below with the marijuana and drunk driving laws in different states. Marijuana Laws There are significant differences in laws governing marijuana from one state, city or country to another and from state and federal perceptions. While Alaska, Arizona, California and 20 other states have legalized (or decriminalized) the personal use of medical marijuana, other states including Washington, Oregon, and Colorado have legalized recreational and medical marijuana. A handful of states including Alabama (any amount is a misdemeanor) and Arkansas (less than 4 oz. is a misdemeanor) consider the possession of (specific amounts) of marijuana as a misdemeanor. Drunk Driving Laws Each state has different laws governing drunk driving (driving while intoxicated - DWI or Operating Under the Influence - OUI) including the legal limits, the number of DWI offenses, and the penalties. In most states, a person who receives their first or second DUI is charged with a misdemeanor while the third or subsequent offense is a felony. However, in some states, if there is property damage or someone is hurt, the penalty jumps to a felony. Others states, for example, Maryland, consider all DUI offenses as misdemeanors and New Jersey classifies DUIs as a violation, and not a crime. What Is the Difference Between Infractions and Misdemeanors? Sometimes people will refer to their crime as, just a misdemeanor, and while being charged with a misdemeanor is less serious than being charged with a felony, it is still a very serious charge that if found guilty, could result in jail time, heavy fines, community service, and probation. There are also legal fees that should be considered. Also, failure to follow any of the court-ordered conditions of a misdemeanor conviction will result in more misdemeanor charges and even heavier fines, possibly more jail time and extended probation and legal fees. Being charged with an infraction is a lot less serious than a misdemeanor and the penalties usually involve paying a ticket or small fine and never result in jail time unless there is a failure to pay the fine. Also, people found guilty of an infraction are not ordered to perform community service or attend problem-specific programs such as Alcoholic Anonymous or anger management. Criminal Record Misdemeanor convictions appear on a persons criminal record. It also may be legally required to disclose the particularities of the crime during job interviews, on college applications, when applying for the military or government jobs, and on loan applications. Infractions may appear on a persons driving record, but not on their criminal record. Misdemeanor Penalties The penalties for a person convicted of a misdemeanor depends on several factors including the severity of the crime, if it is a first-time offense or if the person is a repeat offender and if it was a violent or non-violent offense. Depending on the crime, misdemeanor convictions will rarely result in more than one year in the city or county jail. For petty misdemeanor convictions, the jail sentence could fall between 30 to 90 days. Most misdemeanor convictions also result in a fine up to $1,000 although for repeat offenders or for violent crimes the fine can increase up to $3,000. Sometimes a judge may impose both the jail time and a fine. If the misdemeanor involved property damage or financial loss to a victim, then the judge may order restitution. The restitution can include court costs.  Also, a court may suspend the sentence and place the defendant on probation.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Overview of Ryan Air Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Overview of Ryan Air - Essay Example In the years1990 and 1991, the firm had new management and this resulted into a complete overhaul. The firm adopted some practices of Southwest Airline and this made it to cut its routes to 5 from 19. By the year 1991, Ryan Air was in possession of 6 aircrafts, 350 workers, and besides, it carried about 700,000 passengers annually in the five routes and from the year 1991 to the year1997, the firm increased the fleets it had to 21, and besides, it increased the routes it followed. All through this period, the number of passengers continued to grow because of the low fares that were charged by the firm. The firm was prevented from expanding its market by strict regulations that were enforced on the European airlines. However, the year 1997 was a turning point for the airline industry in Europe and for Ryan Air; this was because the regulations that prevented the airlines form expanding their boundaries were lifted and the airlines had the opportunity of establishing newer routes so as to cover the whole continent of Europe; thus this made Ryan Air to expand its routes. By the year 2001, Ryan Air had the largest travel website in the whole of Europe and in a span of three months after the launch of the website in the year 2000; it got more than 50,000 online bookings in a week. The firm realized that passengers were in need of transportation which was very fast and also inexpensive and for the firm to offer the cheap transportation method, low costs as well as efficiency were vital. Therefore, Ryanair changed business within the industry by providing lower charges and despite this; they have managed to make consistent profits through reduced costs. Through the use of Southwest model of lower costs, Ryan air developed a strategy, which was different from the ones of Lufthansa, British Airways, as well as Air France, for instance Ryan air made use of one aircraft fleet that ensured there were economies of scale in planning as well as training its crews, stocking sp are parts and also maintenance of its planes (Leocha). The firm also transitioned from B737-200s as well as B737-300s, which was bought by the firm as second hand to newer B737-800s. The firm reduced maintenance costs by introducing newer aircraft and besides, the productivity as well as the efficiency of the firm also improved through the use of no-frills methodology. Customary, in-flight services like seat allocation, complimentary drinks, meals and provision of newspapers were eliminated by the firm, rather, the company got a lot of profits from the minor services through charging passengers for in-flight services as well as additional travel expenses like travel insurance. Besides, workers were always compensated when sales were made and therefore, Ryan Air benefited through increased profits as well as efficiency. The passenger base of Ryanair grew to 23.1 million in the year 2003 down from 6.1 million in 2000. During this period, the profits made by the firm greatly increased to â‚ ¬226.5 million from â‚ ¬72.5 million. The competition within the airline industry in Europe was changed by low-cost-low frills strategy of RyanAir and this made a number of other low-cost operators to amalgamate to counter competition. The objective of Ryanair is to establish itself firmly as the leading low-fares airline in Europe through persistent improvements as

Friday, November 1, 2019

Human rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Human rights - Essay Example With regard to the concept of `permissible roughness of treatment, treatment or punishment can only be adjudged to be in breach of Article 3 ex post facto, essentially because it is only then that all the relevant circumstances can be considered. To reach firm conclusions as to the nature and effect of treatment or punishment before it occurs clearly departs from the principle of assessment after the event. Whilst endorsing that principle in Soering, the Court indicated that a departure from it may be appropriate in certain cases: â€Å"It is not normally for the Convention institutions to pronounce on the existence or otherwise of potential violations of the Convention. However, where an applicant claims that a decision to extradite him would, if implemented, be contrary to Article 3 by reason of its foreseeable consequences in the requesting country, a departure form the principle is necessary, in view of the serious and irreparable nature of the alleged suffering risked, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the safeguard provided by the Article.†2 Such a departure is justified on a number of grounds, besides the risk of serious and irreparable suffering. They include the principle of effective protection, the belief that the Convention is designed to promote and maintain democratic ideals, the fact that Article 3 admits of no exceptions or derogations3 and, more to the point, that Article 3 represents an absolute standard. In Soering, the United Kingdom Government argued that speculative ill-treatment is prohibited under Article 3 only if it is certain and imminent.4 Such a standard can be achieved only where the treatment is required by law and its occurrence is not simply a matter of speculation. Accordingly, since the death penalty and the death-row phenomenon were not necessarily automatic and inevitable,5 the